Safety Jogger Prosoft (Small)
PROSOFT 3121X/3121
- Sizes: 8 (SMALL) / 9 (MEDIUM) / 10 (LARGE) / 11 (EXTRA LARGE)
Safety gloves for maximum dexterity and sensitivity with a grey foam nitrile coating
The seamless PROSOFT gloves of Safety Jogger are designed for light and delicate activities for which comfort, dexterity and sensitivity are extremely important. The additional foam nitrile coating provides an excellent grip, even in light oily environments. The foam nitrile coating provides an excellent grip in dry and less dry environments (e.g. cable
• Polyester glove
• Grey foam nitrile coating
• Oil resistantEN388:2016 0 1 2 3 4 5
a. Abrasion resistance (cycles) <100 100 500 2000 8000 -
b. Cut resistance (factor) <1.2 1.2 2.5 5.0 10.0 20.0
c. Tear resistance (newton) <10 10 25 50 75 -
d. Puncture resistance (newton) <20 20 60 100 150 -
EN ISO 13997 (TDM-100 test) A B C D E F
e. Straight blade cut resistance (newton) 2 5 10 15 22 30
Performance level rating
a. Abrasion resistance: based on the number of cycles required
to rub through the sample glove.
b. Cut resistance: based on the number of cycles required to
cut through the sample at a constant speed with a rotating
c. Tear resistance: based on the amount of force required to
tear the sample.
d. Puncture resistance: based on the amount of force required
to pierce the sample with a standard sized point.
e. Cut resistance according TDM100 test based on the number
of cycles required to cut throughShop Online!